AB Bank Limited in association with Musabbir Cancer Care Center recently organized a Free Medical Camp for the slum dwellers of Mohammadpur area under its Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). Medical doctors of different specializations provided free treatment and advice to the slum dwellers. More than 300 patients received free medical
Read MoreAB Bank got NRB award for supporting initiatives of Branding Bangladesh. Mr. Shamim Ahmed Chaudhury, President and Managing Director of AB Bank Limited, receives award from Dr. Atiur Rahman, Governor, Bangladesh Bank at a function in Dhaka recently.US Ambassador Dan W Mozena and European Union Ambassador William Hanna were also
Read MoreRecently AB Bank provided financial assistance to 162 poor Fishermen families of Dariarkul village of Tungipara Union, Gopalganj under its CSR initiative. Each fisherman family received a cheque of Taka 20,000.00. Mr. Shamim Ahmed Chaudhury, President and Managing Director of AB Bank Limited handed over the cheques to the fishermen
Read MoreMr. G. M. Rizvi, SVP & RRM AB Bank Sylhet Region receiving the “SME Financing Award 2014” in recognition of Loan Disbursement to SME Entrepreneurs in Sylhet Region for the year 2014 from Dr. Atiur Rahman, Honourable Governor of Bangladesh Bank. The reception programme was arranged by The Bank Officers
Read MoreAB Bank approves 12.5% Stock Dividend AB Bank Limited approved 12.5% Stock Dividend for its shareholders at the 33rd Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Bank held on May 17, 2015 (Sunday) at the Bashundhara Convention Centre-2, Dhaka. The AGM approved the Annual Report and the Audited Financial Statements of
Read MoreAB Bank Limited received the “Appreciation Award” from Centre for Non Resident Bangladeshis for its outstanding contribution to the Remittance Sector of Bangladesh. Mr. H. T. Imam, Advisor to the Honorable Prime Minister handed over the award to The Deputy Managing Director of AB Bank, Mr. Moshiur Rahman Chowdhury. The
Read MoreAB Bank Limited arranged a friendly cricket match between Chairman’s Eleven Team Vs. Managing Director’s Eleven Team. Mr. M. Wahidul Haque, Chairman of AB Bank Limited played for The Chairman’s Eleven team while President and Managing Director Mr. Shamim Ahmed Chaudhury played for Managing Director’s Eleven team. The Chairman’s Eleven
Read MoreChairman – AB Bank Ltd, Mr. M. Wahidul Haque, inaugurating the Model Branch Launching and Customer Service Excellence Workshop of the Bank held in Dhaka on 17-18 April, 2015. Mr. Shamim Ahmed Chaudhury President and Managing Director, Senior Executives of the Bank as well as the Relationship and Operation Managers
Read MoreBoard of Directors of AB Bank Limited (ABBL) in its 576th Meeting held on April 12, 2015 (Sunday) at ABBL Head Office, Dhaka, considered and approved the Audited Financial Statements for the year ended December 31, 2014 and also resolved to hold following as per the schedule below: A) Recommendation
Read MoreAB Bank Limited, the first Private Commercial Bank of the country, celebrated its 33rd founding anniversary on April 12, 2015. All the 92 branches of the Bank and its subsidiaries in Bangladesh as well as its Mumbai branch and other overseas subsidiaries observed the day in a befitting manner. To
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