Listing of AB Bank 1st Mutual Fund was inaugurated on Dhaka Stock Exchange at a simple ceremony. AB Bank is a Sponsor of the “AB Bank 1st Mutual Fund“.
Trading of “AB Bank 1st Mutual Fund” started under ‘A’ category. DSE Trading Code for “AB Bank 1st Mutual Fund“ is “ABB1STMF” and DSE company code # 12189. The Net Asset Value (NAV) of “AB Bank 1st Mutual Fund” is Tk. 10.30 per unit on the basis of current market price and Tk. 10.31 per unit on the basis of cost price against face value of Tk. 10.00 whereas total Net Assets of the Fund stood at Tk. 1,544,896,246.11 on the basis of current market price and Tk. 1,545,964,034.92 on the basis of cost price after considering all assets and liabilities of the Fund as on January 25, 2012.
President & Managing Director (Acting) Mr. M. Fazlur Rahman, Deputy Managing Director Mr. B. H. Khan, Senior Executive Vice President Mr. Moshiur Rahman Chowdhury of AB Bank Limited, Chief Executive Officer Mr. Hasan Imam and Chief of Operations Mr. Shariful Islam of RACE Management PCL along with Chief Executive Officer Dr. Musharraf M. Hussain, General Manager (admin) & Secretary Mr. Shaikh Mohammadullah, Chief Financial Officer Mr. Shuvra Kanti Choudhury and Manager, Listing Affairs Mr. Md. Shafiqul Islam Bhuiyan of Dhaka Stock Exchange Limited were present on the occasion.