Please help us to serve you best.

AB Bank PLC. is committed to providing you with the highest standard of services to meet your needs. You may wish to compliment us, offer suggestions or make a complaint. Please let us know what we do that is of benefit to you, what we could do better, or perhaps differently.

Any issue brought to our attention will be treated in a confidential manner, and discussed only with the people who need to be involved. You can provide your valuable feedback by contacting:

"Central Customer Services & Complaint Management Cell"

Complaints can also be made via this webpage or alternatively you might like to speak to member of our "Customer Services & Complaint Management Cell" directly through any of the following contacts below:

Grievance Re-dressal & Nodal Officer

Branch has arrangement for redressal of customer’s grievances /complaints. Branch installed a physical complaint box in the premises and customers can reach the Nodal Officer as under:

  • Name : Pramod Mazumdar
  • Designation : Senior Relationship Manager
  • Telephone Number : +91-22-66332853
  • Mobile Number : +91-9619191674
  • Email : pramod@abbl.com

If you're not happy we're not happy.

AB recognizes the right of the customer to complain when feeling dissatisfied with the service of the bank. We undertake, wherever possible, to resolve complaints and to prevent similar complaints from occurring.

The policy objective is to provide procedures to control the processing of complaints as way of improving services to our customers, and enhance the public image of the Bank, ensuring that requests are acknowledged courteously and investigated efficiently and effectively.

Steps you can take
There are some steps you can take which will help us to help you:

  • Act quickly: Please tell us about any issue as soon as possible. The longer you wait the less clear the facts can become and harder it can be to find out solution.
  • Make it Clear: Set out the order in which things happened, preferably with dates and descriptions of the incidents, phone calls, letters or meetings, and let us know what action you would like us to take
  • Tackle the problem, not the person: Please remember that what you are concerned about may have been a mistake or an oversight, which would not normally happen.

List of Officers of Central Customer Services & Complaint Management Cell (CCS&CMC) of AB Bank PLC.

SL No Name of Officer Designation E Mail
1 Mr. Reazul Islam Additional Managing Director reaz@abbl.com
2 Mr. Mahadev Sarker Sumon FCA Additional Managing Director & CRO mahadev@abbl.com
3 Mr. Mohiuddin. A. Chowdhury Head of DICC mohiuddinac@abbl.com
4 Mr. Mohammad Nazrul Islam Head of HR mnazruli@abbl.com
5 Mr. Quazi Ashfaq-uz-Zaman SAVP-GBO Division
(Member Secretary)
+88-0967855-5643 (EXT)

Please provide your contact details so we can respond to your complain:
