AB Bank Limited signed an agreement with Le MéridienDhaka. Under this agreement AB Bank credit card holderswill enjoy B1G1 on Deluxe Rooms, B1G1 on buffet meals at Latest Recipe and 30% discount on Health Club Membershipfrom Le Méridien Dhaka. Mr. Sajjad Hussain, President & Managing Director (CC) of AB Bank
Read Moreএবি ব্যাংক লিমিটেড দেশের শীতার্ত দরিদ্র জনগণের জন্য প্রধানমন্ত্রীর ত্রাণ তহবিলে গত ২৮ অক্টোবর, ২০২১ তারিখে ৫০,০০০ কম্বল দান করেছে। প্রধানমন্ত্রীর কার্যালয়ের মুখ্য সচিব ড. আহমদ কায়কাউসের কাছে এসময় একটি নমুনা কম্বল হস্তান্তর করেন এবি ব্যাংক লিমিটেডের ইন্ডিপেন্ডেন্ট ডিরেক্টর জনাব শফিকুল আলম এবং প্রেসিডেন্ট এন্ড ম্যানেজিং ডিরেক্টর জনাব তারিক আফজাল।
Read MoreAB Bank treats all the employees as a family members and has always stood by them. During COVID pandemic, AB lost four of its family members and as a token of appreciation of their contribution, the bank recently handed over cheques of Tk. 50 lac each to the spouses of
Read MoreAB Bank and Robi Axiata have signed an agreement under which the bank will give away free internet data to the selected customers of the bank. The women customers will also enjoy this privilege as a part of AB’s initiative of women empowerment. Mr. Abdur Rahman, Deputy Managing Director of
Read MoreRecently AB Bank Ltd. handed over a cheque of Tk.20.00 lac to the nominee of a deceased “AB Nishchinto” Account holder where the accountholder had her life insurance coverage from Metlife. “AB Nishchinto” is a Fixed Deposit Account where the accountholder enjoys a life insurance with Metlife without paying any
Read MoreAB Bank Limited MymensinghBranchrecently relocated at Alam Tower, 29, Congress Jubilee Road, Mymensingh. Mr. Sajjad Hussain, Additional Managing Director of the Bank inaugurated thenew premises with all modern banking facilities on October 3, 2021. Mr. Aminur Rahman, Senior Executive Vice President of the Bank and other senior officials were present
Read MoreAB Bank recently re-launched remittance service operation with Western Union at AB Bank Head Office. The President & Managing Director of AB Bank Limited, Mr. Tarique Afzal and Mr. Noor Elahi, Country Manager of Western Union exchanged the documents on behalf of their respective organizations. The ceremony was also attended
Read MoreAB Bank Limited recently organized an award giving ceremony for “AloAshbei” program. Top Retail business performers were rewarded through this ceremony. President & Managing Director Mr. Tairque Afzal, Additional Managing Director, Mr. Sajjad Hussain and Deputy Managing Director, Mr. Abdur Rahman were present in the ceremony along with other senior
Read MoreAB Bank Limited recently distributed food and relief materials among 1500 distressed families at Bogura who were hard hit during Covid pandemic. The distribution was coordinated through TMSS, one of the leading and largest NGOs of the country. Mr. Tarique Afzal, President & Managing Director of AB Bank and Professor
Read MoreAB Bank Limited signed an agreement with Cardiff International School Dhaka under which all students of Cardiff International School Dhaka will be able to pay school tuition fees via online and at any branches. In addition, employees of Cardiff International School will be able to enjoy exclusive benefits under AB
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